How to Enable Javascript

Without enabling this feature may cause serious errors in the use of the site.

To enable Javascript in Internet Explorer:
1. Select "Tools" menu in the top;
2. Choose "Internet Options";
3. Click the "Security" tab;
4. Click "Custom Level";
5. Scroll down to "Scripting";
6. Under "Active Scripting", select "Enable" and click OK.
To enable Javascript in Internet Explorer:
1. Select "Tools" menu in the top;
2. Choose "Internet Options";
3. Click the "Security" tab;
4. Click "Custom Level";
5. Scroll down to "Scripting";
6. Under "Active Scripting", select "Enable" and click OK.
To enable Javascript in Mozilla Firefox:
1. Select "Tools" menu in the top;
2. Select "Options";
3. Choose "Web Features" from the top navigation;
4. Select the check box next to "Enable JavaScript" and click OK.
To enable Javascript in Google Chrome:
1. Select the Settings icon in the top menu;
2. Select "Options";
3. Click on the "Hood";
4. Press the button "Set content ...";
5. On the left, click on Javascript;
6. Click Allow.
To enable Javascript in Apple Safari:
1. Select "Safari" from the top menu;
2. Choose "Preferences";
3. Click the "Security";
4. Select the check box next to "Enable JavaScript".
To enable Javascript in Opera:
1. Select "Opera" from the top menu;
2. Choose "Settings";
3. Choose "Quick Preferences";
4. Click "Enable Javascript".
To enable JavaScript in Netscape Navigator:
1. Select "Edit" from the top menu;
2. Choose "Preferences";
3. Select "Advanced";
4. Choose "Scripts & Plug-in";
5. Check the box next to "Enable JavaScript" and click OK.
To enable Javascript in other browser:
Usually the option to enabled javascript is in advanced configurations of navigation on the Internet.

As soon as he finished the procedure to enable Javascript click here.

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