HOW TO CHOOSE AN ANTENNA TV COAXIAL CABLE WHICH ANTENNA TV COAXIAL CABLE TO CHOOSE? Ø 5mm - INDOOR USE DIGISAT 123 ELITE (Class A++) with 5mm of external diameter and 37dB at 2150MHz and 22.3dB at 860MHz (for 100m) it perfect for short distances, but it also brilliantly works for longer distance in narrow cable pipes. Ø 5,4mm - OUTDOOR USE INTSAT 81 lt's the perfect choice for those who want a small cable, for not excessively long cable installation (up to 20m) and above all for outdoor or direct burial use. Ø 6,8mm - INDOOR USE PROSAT SILVER ELITE and DIGISAT 5 ELITE (Class A++) are the best achieved by a coaxial cable Ø 6.8mm: 25dB to 2.150MHz and 14.9dB to 860MHz (per 100m). Resolving in case of poor signals and long distances. They attenuate from 3/4dB less than the best coaxial cables Ø 6.8mm: it's like having a small amplifier with no noise. Ø 6,8mm - OUTDOOR USE Coaxial cables like INTSAT 81 (Ø 5,4mm) - INTSAT 110 Elite (Ø 6,9mm) have a polyethylene sheath (PE) which makes them very resistant to all adverse environments under which a Petrol Jelly is melted on the braid in order to prevent oxidation. They are perfect for internal and external installations (totally waterproof and UV resistant).