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€ 2.014,50
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Ø 10,3mm (.400")



• The reasons that led us to create the "Sahara" range lie in well-known factors related to the overheating generated by the black colour. On page 31 of our catalogue, under the heading "Attenuation Vs temperature" we provide clear indications in the form of coefficients, of how much the attenuation of a cable can degrade as the ambient temperature rises. We also point out that if in an area you can easily reach 40°C. (104°F), the operator is in the shade, but the coaxial cable alas certainly under the direct rays of the sun. The fact of having a cable with a white sheath is therefore not a silly publicity stunt, but a concrete benefit for optimizing the performance of the whole system. Perhaps the UV filter will be less effective, but the transmissions will benefit substantially. Adding to this, white sheathed cables blend in with 75 ohm cables, avoiding arguments with neighbors who get alarmed whenever they see a black cable....

But now let's move on to even more substantial changes. Compared to the standard black Hyperflex 10 model, we have added a screen with 216 pure copper wires (instead of 192 copper plated aluminum wires). This modification has increased the weight, but has halved the electrical resistance bringing it to 6 Ohm/Km (outer conductor resistance, foil + Braid). In our laboratory tests, by amplifying for hours of transmission in continuous carrier FT8 at 1 kW, the operating temperature dropped considerably and stabilized on suitable values. We would like to remind you that the FT8 continuous carrier has a waveform that particularly stresses the devices, to the point that modern amplifiers go into self-protection by halving the power. These are the reasons that motivated the creation of a new specific model. It goes without saying that for very high amplifications extended over time in SSB (contests), (please see cable data sheet for power handling at various frequencies), this cable is obviously at the top of its category. We would add that by reading our catalogue, you might find it useful to add the "HEAT suppressor" accessory that screws onto the back of our connectors, to dissipate part of the heat generated on the connector screwed to the amplifier. 

• The only coax with a white jacket and a 216 wires copper braid which makes it perfect for hot temperature and high amplification.

• The most flexible 10,3mm cable, perfect for tight bendings and rotor antennas.

• The best attenuations for a stranded core 10,3mm coaxial cable.

• Best velocity ratio in the coax range: 87% !

• Excellent performances with limited signal loss even at higher frequencies and long distances. 

*For direct burial, choose EXTRAFLEX BURY 10.

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Messi & Paoloni Srl - Via Giovanni Conti, 1, 60131, Ancona (AN) - Fiscal Code and VAT Code 00109100420 - Company Register 00109100420 - E-Mail: Registration R.E.A.: 26383 - Capital ¬ 46800 interamente versato -

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