Are you about passing your cables in narrow pipes? Are you sweating at the thought of doint it?
With this special cable transparent lubricant, you will easily pass your professional M&P cables through!
It is a gelatinous lubricant for installation of coaxial cables, optical fiber and electrical cables, also in vertical position.
It does not produce the glue effect, it is also indicated for machines slips cables.
Non-toxic, inert, biodegradable and non-flammable.
*Bottle of 1 L
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Messi & Paoloni Srl - Via Giovanni Conti, 1, 60131, Ancona (AN) - Fiscal Code and VAT Code 00109100420 - Company Register 00109100420 - E-Mail: Registration R.E.A.: 26383 - Capital ¬ 46800 interamente versato -